I must admit, when I attended your church for only the second time and you announced the Home Church initiative, I was surprised and a little skeptical. However, since we have been meeting with the Titov's for several months now, we not only consider Dima and Liya dear friends, but have established friendships with several others in our group.
Not only is the praise and worship awesome but we have really enjoyed the teachings. Dima and Liya do a great job of leading our discussions and prayer. But the big thing is the intimacy of the group and us praying for each other. We have experienced several healings and I expect to see many more.
Thanks for you leadership and vision and know that at least in our group,
it’s been working beyond our expectations.
Bill and Peggie, Colorado

If there is no Upstream Home Church near you, but you feel an attraction to the idea of being in a home church, we encourage you to pray about whether the Lord would have you start one of your own. We'd love to talk with you about the possibility of you being an Upstream Home Church Leader or Host.
Now, more than ever before, discipleship evangelism is so important. We want to see the Kingdom of God manifest in your life, your family and your community.
If you would like to host or lead (or both!) an Upstream Home Church, please contact us below and let us know. We will contact you immediately with how to begin the application process.
Our 10 year old daughter received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in February of this year. Although she received her prayer language and was using it, it wasn’t until a few weeks ago in home church that she began praying over others for healing in the spirit and using her gift of prophesy. She prayed over one adult with such power and force that it could only be from the Spirit of God. I fully believe that the things of the Spirit are caught more than they are taught and in the atmosphere of home church she is growing more than she would have ever anywhere else.
Brad, Colorado

'Upstream with Richard Harris' is a television teaching ministry making Pastor Richard's message of God's power, identity and love, available to millions of homes around the world.
It's available for you to watch with ROKU and online at www.thenownetwork.org from
September 19th 2020 at 10am EST / 3pm UK / 4pm Europe.