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Hello Gorgeous

In our current series, Restoring Foundations, we are discovering the biblical truths about 5 fundamental realities that affect every aspect of our lives. This week, we are continuing to look at Reality #3, God Designed Gender, Sex, Marriage and Family.

Within each gender, both male and female, there is a wide range of expressions and personality traits, from men who love art and hate sports to women who love sports and hate cooking. Those outward behaviors and preferences do not define you as more or less of a man or woman, you are uniquely made by God and your gender is stamped into the DNA of every cell in your body. You are fearfully and wonderfully made as an attractive, amazing, valuable human being just the way you are.

'I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Marvellous are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well.' Psalm 139:14 KJV

When we follow God’s design for sex, marriage and family it produces life, prosperity and blessing. God confines sex to the marriage relationship for our safety, for our physical and relational health and for our wholeness. God’s boundaries are for our protection, not to deprive us. He wants only the best for each of us, every day of our lives.

We will dig deeper into this subject next week as we learn more about our foundations of faith.


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