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Is Church Really Church?

This week, Pastor Richard is sharing his heart on the vision for Upstream and why he believes so strongly in the Power of Home Church. We will spend this week and next on this topic, so be sure to catch next week’s blog post as well.

There are 4 main reasons why Home Church is such a powerful model of church.

1. Home Churches follow and adhere to the truth in the Great Commission.

2. Follow Jesus own example of ministry

3. Follow the example of ministry set by the early church

4. The evidence shows that home churches work.

Let’s look at the first one. The word in the Greek for church is Ekklesia. Church is not a place you should go to sit down, listen to a talk, sing a few songs and shake a few hands then go home. Jesus didn’t say ‘church’. He said what was translated into Ekklesia: a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place. These were ‘called out ones’.

In Ancient Greece, the towns were governed by little groups of people that were called out to consider the problems, strategise how to deal with those problems and then make sure it happened.

Matthew 28:18-20 is the Great Commission. Jesus commands us to go and teach. The word appears twice, but each time is different. The first time it’s the Greek word, Matheteuo. The second time the word 'teach' is mentioned, it’s Didasko. That word is a different flavour and style of teaching than Matheteuo. Do you remember when Jesus was ‘lost’ by his parents? They eventually found him in the temple with the leaders ‘teaching’ them. That was a Didasko style of teaching, it was a discussion. Matheteuo is the more traditional style we are used to in our churches, a lecture style. But clearly, the Great Commission says we need both.

At Upstream, we always give opportunity to discuss what has been taught in the Matheteuo style. Our Upstream Home Church leaders make sure there is time for the Didasko style of teaching as well. It’s a chance for you to get your questions answered, to bounce ideas and thoughts off of other believers, to get a deeper application of the Word into your life, to sharpen your own revelation and understanding on the Word of God. This is so important and hugely beneficial. In fact, it’s how the Bible tells us to do church! Without this element, you’re not doing church!

The full revelation and incorporation of God’s Word into our life happens only with sharing. We may all have revelation at some level of God’s Word, but when you’re talking to another believer about the Word, suddenly something happens. Proverbs 27:17 talks about iron sharpening iron. 99% of the church today is only doing half the teaching it should be doing. It’s only doing the Matheteuo kind of teaching and leaves no room at all for the Didasko kind. That causes a big problem. It makes it all about one man standing up at the front and telling you what you’re supposed to believe. It creates Christians who think they have to have a priest or the so-called ‘man of God’ to be their source of revelation and/or power. That is not discipleship folks! That is not what Jesus came to achieve.

Jesus wants you to get revelation. He wants every believer to walk in the power of His Word and the understanding of the scriptures and all that means for you and me. He wants you to rise to maturity that only comes from the second kind of didasko teaching, the discussion with other believers.

At Upstream, that’s what we do. Because we only meet in small groups, the relationships become much deeper which subsequently means you can be more vulnerable in the knowledge that these true friends are there to care and grow you into all you’re meant to become. It’s a powerful thing!

Next week, we’ll go more into the other aspects of Home Church and why they are so powerful. Be sure not to miss it.

If you’ve been inspired by this and haven’t thought about Home Church before, why not check out our website at and read all about what we do. You could even go along and check out a meeting. All our locations and times are on the website here:

Have a blessed week.

Upstream Ministries



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Tim Pike
Tim Pike
Aug 28, 2022

Good. Thank you. Sounds awesome.

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