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Thanks for That

This week we are continuing our series, How to be Happy in Tribulation. We are looking at seven mindsets, or spiritual disciplines that will enable us to walk in joy and contentment while overcoming tribulations. The first of these mindset is Thankfulness.

Thankfulness can be difficult when we take things for granted. For instance, when life is going well and loved ones are present, we can take things like our family, health, comfort, the ability to think, reason and love for granted. We don’t realize what life would be like without them, but it is such a simple process to stop and thank God for what we see right in front of us.

Beyond the things we can see there are all His promises that we cannot see. He has given us gifts and when we thank Him that those promises are true, our faith is released. His gifts are already ours so look away from the tribulation and keep your eyes focused on Jesus, Who has overcome the world. We have so much to be thankful for. Have you made a list yet?

Following Him

Upstream Worldwide Ministries


Sunday October 24th

Fellowship: 10:00am

Service: 10:30am


Ute Pass Cultural Center

210 E. Midland Ave

Woodland Park, CO 80863

Worship led by Adam Stone. Word brought by Richard Harris. Kids ministry provided.

Join us for a chance to hear about the vision of Upstream Ministries and meet some Home Church leaders from around Woodland Park.

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